QlM-6.1.1 The governance of the institution is reflective of an effective leadership in tune with the vision and mission of the institution.
The vision and mission of the institution are: Vision: To evolve into and sustain as a Centre of Excellence in Technological Education and Research with a holistic approach. Mission: To produce high quality engineering graduates with the requisite theoretical and practical knowledge and social awareness to be able to contribute effectively to the progress of the society through their chosen field of endeavor. The nature of governance: The Governing Body(GB) is the highest body that monitors the progress of the college and suggests activities for the growth and overall development of the institution. The Governing Body(GB) of the institute has been constituted as per the AICTE norms, New Delhi, India. The main objective of the GB is to offer transparent and effective governance in building and developing the institution. The key responsibility of the GB is to develop and implement the mission, vision, quality policy, and strategic plan of the institution. The short term and long term goals are reviewed periodically if necessary, revised strategies are implemented. The GB, through the Director and the Principal, monitors parameters such as teaching-learning process, good academic and administrative practices, bench marking, risk so as to meet the interests of stakeholders. As per the directives of the GB, the director, the Principal, and the Heads of the departments set the short-term and long-term goals. Then planning and implementation of the same is following in the individual departments and also at the institute level. The teachers are involved as members in various decision making bodies such as Governing Body, Anti Ragging committee, Women empowerment cell, Grievance Redressal cell, IQAC etc. Apart from these teachers are assigned with positions of HOD, Head of different committees to discharge their duties as decision maker. Perspective/Strategic Plan: The institution has a Perspective/Strategic Plan in place to help it develop in a systematic, well-thought-out and phased manner. 1. Improvement of the Scope and Profile of the Teaching-Learning Experience through greater use of ICT and other innovative means. 2. Partnering with Research Institutes. 3. Application for grants from non-government sources. 4. Mobilization of funds and projects through the alumnae and other stakeholders. 5. Inviting industry to start value added programs in the Institute. 6. Offering online and offline courses through video conferencing, electronic library, World Wide Web etc. Participation of Teachers in Decision-Making Bodies: The teachers are involved as members in various decision making bodies such as Governing Body, Anti Ragging committee, Women empowerment cell, Entrepreneur Development Cell, Institution Innovation Council, Grievance Redressal cell, IQAC etc. Apart from these teachers are assigned with positions of HOD, Head of different committees to discharge their duties as decision maker.


Posted on 27-12-2022 05:39:16 AM
QlM-6.1.2 The effective leadership is visible in various institutional practices such as decentralization and participative management.
SITAM encourages decentralization in terms of Academic planning, Internal Administration in the departments including Library, Internal Assessment and Leave Monitoring, Laboratory management. Department heads are empowered to exercise administrative influence and the principal provides guiding principles and general practices. Management actively supports the Administrative machinery by timely help, purchases (through recommendations of Purchase Committee) , and recruitment (through recruitment committee). Role of Top Management The Governing Body (GB), with the Principal as Member Secretary, meets at least twice in a year to discuss and implement action items: The Institute supports a trend of decentralized governance system with proper well defined inter-relationships  Sets objectives in consonance with the vision and mission of the Institute and shares its inputs through periodic Governing Body (GB), Management Review Committee (MRC), Internal Quality Assurance Committee (IQAC) and Local Management Committee (LMC) meetings.  Approves hiring competent, dedicated individuals to implement teaching-learning process effectively to realize the vision and mission of the institute.  Makes financial provision to provide infrastructure and facilities suitable for effective services and to cater to further requirements as per growing needs of decentralization in administration with various heads for academic monitoring, promotional activities, student co-curricular & extra-curricular activities, consultancy etc.  Encourages innovation and excellence in all departments of the Institute.  Provides Institutional benefits to the faculty and staff involved in preparation and implementation of OBE schemes.  Provides research facilities for the benefit of staff and students.  Provides necessary manpower and infrastructure for the scrupulous implementation of Quality Policy and plans.  Extends authority, support and freedom to all the staff engaged in implementation of Quality Plans.  Institute level - All the main decisions related to the institute are taken by the Principal in consultations with the Head of departments. Principal is the academic and administrative Head of the Institute and the Member of the Governing Body. Some financial power is given to principal for the development of the institution. Role of Principal:  To determine the quality policy, educational character and mission of the institute and for oversight of its activities.  To ensure maintenance of quality in all areas of the institute as per the Institute’s Policy and guidelines from AICTE, and affiliating University.  To prepare infrastructure development plans, budget requirements and obtain approval, keeping in mind the Quality maintenance aspects.  To maintain and enforce strict discipline in the campus.  To collaborate with industry and undertake developmental activities that are mutually beneficial.  To conduct internal and external examinations as per the Quality guidelines and academic calendar of the affiliating university. To create a climate conducive for faculty to absorb the spirit of the institute’s values and sustain it.  Department level - The Department Heads are responsible to look weekly administration of the department and report to the Principal.  In addition, any institute staff member can give suggestions and idea for improvement.  Students also participate through different formal and informal feedback mechanisms. Suggestion box is kept in every department for suggestions from students. Role of Faculty: Faculty maintains healthy relationship with students, co-faculty, and community. The faculty executes the policies and programs accurately and constructively. The College faculty represents the ethics and follows the professional ethics.


Posted on 27-12-2022 05:39:56 AM
QlM-6.2.1 Perspective /Strategic plan and Deployment documents are available in the institution.
Strategic planning is a continuous process with a specific focus on accomplishing institutional goals in this competitive world. Strategic Planning and deployment document (SPDD) is based on analysis of current obstacles and future opportunities and envisages the direction towards which the organization should move to achieve its set goals and objectives. Picture below shows the SP formulated at SITAM for it to walk into the "highway" of learning places and achieve its stated goals. The activities for the academic year 2021-22 are mentioned below, 1)12(B): The University Grants Commission (UGC) provides financial assistance to eligible colleges which are included under Section 2(f) and declared fit to receive central assistance (UGC grant) under Section 12 (B) of UGC Act, 1956 as per approved pattern of assistance under various schemes. This makes our institution eligible for central assistance from the Government of India or any organization receiving funds from the Central Government. 2)Research Center: The Center for Research in Mathematics, aims to provide support and foster collaboration among researchers interested in conducting externally-funded interdisciplinary research on the teaching and learning of mathematics, the conditions that influence it, and innovations that maximize it.


Posted on 27-12-2022 05:40:15 AM
QlM-6.2.2 Functions of various bodies, service rules, procedures, recruitment, promotional policies as well as grievance redressal mechanism.
SITAM follows a transparent and tightly knit organizational setup to ensure accountability, responsibility and clarity. Various cells, departments, and other bodies are accurately represented in the organogram. The organogram is widely publicized in the institute at various places so that everyone is aware of the responsibilities.


Posted on 27-12-2022 05:40:33 AM
QnM-6.2.3 Implementation of e-governance in areas of operation 1. Administration, 2. Finance and Accounts, 3. Student Admission and Support, 4. Examination
The Data Template and proofs and ERP Documents are attached here under:

6.2.3 Data Template(2021-22).xlsx

6.2.3 Proofs.docx

6.2.3 ERP Document.pdf

Posted on 20-01-2023 03:01:07 PM
Posted on 20-01-2023 03:01:41 PM
Posted on 20-01-2023 03:03:22 PM
QlM-6.3.1 The institution has effective welfare measures for teaching and non-teaching staff.
Employees are undeniably crucial stakeholders who influence organizational effectiveness by stabilizing the adaptive environment. The management of SITAM implemented various monetary as well as non-monetary welfare measures for employees. Monetary welfare schemes are: 1. Employees Provident Fund as per PF rules 2. Salary advance facility for teaching and non teaching staff in case of urgency. 3. Medical Leave & Maternity/Paternity leave for eligible staff members 4. Employee gets fees concession for their ward. 5. Leave for higher education . 6. Subsidized food in the canteen. 7. As Institution has a multicultural environment in the campus, the management ensures the celebration of all the festivals together. 8. Internet and free Wi-Fi facilities are also available in campus for staff. 9. Women Empowerment Cell is established for creating venues for women members to flourish and gain momentum. 10. Lodging and boarding facility to the needy. 11. Summer Vacation for staff. 12. Free transport facility for all the staff In a nut shell, the Institution strives hard to keep our staff happy and healthy. Apart from monetary schemes, various non-monetary welfare schemes are provided to employees for their professional development. The schemes are listed below 1. Immediate increments after earning Ph. D. Degree. 2. Study leaves for Ph D, higher education and training programmes. 3. Technical workshops are conducted to keep pace with syllabus and new technologies. 4. Faculty development programs are conducted in the institute. 5. Faculty members are encouraged to attend seminars and conferences. 6. The institute motivates the faculty and staff for arranging / attending industrial training programs/ visits. 7. Training programs are arranged for updating the knowledge of the non- teaching staff. 8. Faculty members are encouraged and benefited from qualification improvement programs such as PhD by providing adequate time to under take course work and research work.


Posted on 27-12-2022 05:41:31 AM
QnM-6.3.2 Average percentage of teachers provided with financial support to attend conferences / workshops and towards membership fee of professional bodies .
The Data Template and Proofs are attached here under:

6.3.2-Data Template.pdf


Posted on 27-12-2022 05:41:49 AM
Posted on 27-12-2022 05:42:07 AM
QnM-6.3.3 Average number of professional development / administrative training programs organized by the Institution for teaching and non teaching staff during the year2021-22.
The Data Template and proofs are attached here under:

6.3.3 -Proofs.pdf

6.3.3-Data Template.pdf

Posted on 27-12-2022 05:42:29 AM
Posted on 27-12-2022 05:42:50 AM
QnM-6.3.4 Average percentage of teachers attending professional development programs, viz., Orientation Program, Refresher Course, Short Term Course, Faculty Development Programs.
The Data Template and Proofs are attached here under:


6.3.4-Data Template.pdf

Posted on 27-12-2022 05:43:12 AM
Posted on 27-12-2022 05:43:30 AM
QlM-6.3.5 Institutions Performance Appraisal System for teaching and non-teaching staff.
The institution has performance based appraisal system for the assessment of teaching and non-teaching staff. The appraisal report is based on the annual performance of the employees on the basis of their academic, research and other extra- curricular activities. Performance appraisal system for teaching staff: The teacher, as a person and teacher as performer, is also one of the mandatory assessment for his/her performance is appraised through his/her implementation of innovative methodologies in classroom lectures, seminars, tutorials, course delivery, question paper setting and evaluation, updating of materials etc. Besides, student feedback and pass percentage of the course are also considered. The performance of the faculty is evaluated based on professional contribution to academics, contribution to short term training courses, NPTEL Courses , performing invigilation duties, contribution to College administrative bodies such as college R&D Cell, IQAC,TIC,EDC Cell, NAAC, etc. Financial support to the faculty is rendered with the motive to enhance or upgrade their knowledge through their participation in conferences, workshops, publications in International journals, Book publication, sponsored projects consultancy, research supervision, awards, honors, etc. The above performance appraisal report is filled by employee in a given prescribed proforma which includes all the related points. Filled-in form is perused by the HOD to assess the attitudinal / behavioral / professional aspects of the concerned faculty. Performance appraisal system for non- teaching staff: A few strategies are observed in appraising non-teaching staff’s performance this includes technical contribution of individuals such as subject knowledge, awareness, productivity, quality, innovation willingness to learn, diligence etc. besides they also assess the behavioral aspects like group behavior, acceptability, Punctuality, etc.


Posted on 27-12-2022 05:43:58 AM
QlM-6.4.1 Institution conducts internal and external financial audits regularly.
Income and expenditure of the Institute are audited every month by the College Finance Committee for internal audit. The institute follows the procedure laid down by UGC and AICTE . The committee monitors the purchase and expenses incurred from funds generated through fees and other grants. Institutional Administration is responsible for the preparation of financial statements that give true and fair view of the financial position. This responsibility includes the design, implementation and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation and presentation of the financial statements. The budget takes into consideration the following. • Maintenance and Construction of buildings, Campus development. • The salary for teaching, non-teaching, and contingency staff. • Research and Development activities. • Sponsoring faculty members for seminars, workshops, and conferences. • Purchase of books and subscriptions of journals in the library. • Payment of internet, electricity and telephone bills. • Purchase of equipment and software. • Conducting various college functions such as Sports Day, Annual Function , Farewell Party , Placement Day, etc. Process of the internal audit: All vouchers are audited by an internal financial committee on half yearly basis. The expenses incurred under different heads are thoroughly checked by verifying the bills and vouchers. If any discrepancy is found, the same is brought to the notice of the principal. Process of the external audit: The accounts of the college are audited by chartered accountant regularly as per the government rules. The auditor ensures that all payments are duly authorized. After the audit, the report is sent to the management for review. Any queries, in the process of audit would be attended immediately along with the supporting documents within the prescribed time limits. The institution did not come across any major audit objections during the preceding years. All these mechanisms exhibit the transparency being maintained in financial matters and adherence to financial discipline to avoid defalcation of funds or properties of the institution at all levels. The audited statement is duly signed by the authorities of the management and chartered accountant. So far there has been no major objection in financial auditing, minor errors or omissions when pointed out by the audit team are immediately corrected / rectified and precautionary steps are taken to avoid recurrence of such errors in future.


Posted on 27-12-2022 05:44:20 AM
QnM-6.4.2 Funds / Grants received from non-government bodies, individuals, philanthropers during the year (not covered in Criterion III).
The Data Template is attached here under:

6.4.2 Data Template(2021-22).xlsx

Posted on 27-12-2022 05:44:41 AM
QlM-6.4.3 Institutional strategies for mobilization of funds and the optimal utilization of resources.
SITAM plans to make itself self-sufficient and have strategies for making its departments and/or centers self-sufficient in turn. Though this a herculean task in the ensuing pandemic situation, SITAM started its thrust in the direction of incremental steps. The policy and practice directive includes: a) Developing small creative products and converting them into saleable products through patenting process. b) Attempting to contact local industries and attempting to provide consultancy services in various areas. c) Establishing testing and miscellaneous services for several domains of engineering. d) Identifying creative final year student projects and trying to convert them into patentable ideas. e) Fees: Fees charged as per the university and government norms from students of various granted and self financed courses. f) Salary Grant: The College receives salary grant from the BOTCHA GURUNAIDU MEMORIAL EDUCATINAL SOCIETY. For this, we prepare and send an annual budget of the estimated salary grant required. This grant includes salaries of the Full Time Permanent teachers and non-teaching staff as well as part-time teachers working on granted posts. g) UGC Grants: SITAM is included in the list of colleges eligible to receive grants from central government and state government and is recognized under 2(F) and 12(B) as per UGC Act, 1956. So we are eligible to receive grants from the UGC for the development and maintenance of Infrastructure, upgrade of the Learning Resources and Research (including grants for Minor and Major Research Projects). Though some strategies may prove to be overwhelming and achievable only in a span on two/three years, we realize that small sustained incremental changes do result in perceivable, magnificent achievements. SITAM management, students, teachers and nonteaching staff stand as excellent resources towards this. We are optimistic and delighted to participate in such venture.


Posted on 27-12-2022 05:45:02 AM
QlM-6.5.1 Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) has contributed significantly for institutionalizing the quality assurance strategies and processes.
IQAC sows the seed of development by institutionalizing quality practices in every aspect of the institution. SITAM has strong IQAC team that looks into every academic and nonacademic activity supported by the institution and tries to set it right. IQAC thus looks into the quality policy of the institute to guarantee quality assurance. The institutional policy with regard to quality assurance is: • To improve the academic and administrative performance of the institution through a system for conscious, consistent and catalytic action. • To internalize quality culture and institutionalize best practices in order to promote measures for institutional functioning towards quality enhancement. IQAC continuously monitors and sets checks and balances to ensure that everybody develops the habit of streamlining the procedures and adheres to the procedures. IQAC evolves Mechanisms and procedures for • Ensuring timely, efficient and progressive performance of academic, administrative and financial tasks • The relevance and quality of academic and research programs. • Optimization and integration of modern methods of teaching and learning • The integrity of evaluation procedures and stakeholders feedback. • Propose and conduct workshops, seminars on quality related themes. • Ensuring the adequacy, maintenance and proper allocation of support structure and services • Monitoring and analysis of activities for overall development of students as per need of industry and society • Sharing of research findings and networking with other institutions in India and abroad. • Internal Audits to ensure quality system implementations.


Posted on 27-12-2022 05:45:29 AM
QlM-6.5.2 The institution reviews its teaching-learning process, structures & methodologies of operations and learning outcomes at periodic intervals through IQAC set up as per norms and recorded the incremental improvement in various activities.
SITAM-IQAC periodically reviews the teaching-learning process, structures & methodologies of operations, and learning outcomes: The standard methods of teaching, learning, and evaluation which are proven over the years are being followed: Preparation of lesson plan for each Semester: The lesson plan is prepared by the faculty members for all the subjects they teach in that particular semester. Enriching the curriculum with guest lectures, industrial visits, and Internships is also planned at this stage. Daily lecture Record: Everyday faculty prepares and submit details of the lecture along with the topic covered on an online portal as well as Course Track Register (CTR). Evaluation of teachers by students: The institution has a feedback system to check the quality of teaching. The regular evaluation of the teachers by the students, feedback on teaching methodologies, course delivery, attitude, strengths and weaknesses, difficulties faced in the subject give a clear idea about the problems faced by the students. Director and management also monitor the feedback system and takes appropriate corrective actions. Student learning outcomes: The institute monitors the performance of the students regularly. It has specified procedure to collect and analyze data on student learning outcomes; the following points are adopted by the institute in this context: • Midterm and continuous evaluation comprising of internal tests, assignments, group discussions, and seminar presentations. • Regular class tests and interactions • Semester system of examination for all courses. • Providing Lecture notes through an online portal • Timely Redressal of student’s grievances. • Extra classes for challenged students to address their concerns.


Posted on 27-12-2022 05:46:01 AM
QnM-6.5.3 Average number of quality initiatives by IQAC per year for promoting quality culture.
The Data Template and proofs are attached here under:


6.5.3-Data Template.pdf

Posted on 27-12-2022 05:46:32 AM
Posted on 27-12-2022 05:47:09 AM