6.2.1\r\nQlM\r\nThe functioning of the institutional bodies is effective\r\nand efficient as visible from policies, administrative\r\nsetup, appointment and service rules, procedures, etc
6.3.3\r\nQnM\r\nAverage number of professional development\r\n/administrative training programs organized by the\r\ninstitution for teaching and non -teaching staff during the\r\nlast five years.
6.3.4\r\nQnM\r\nAverage percentage of teachers undergoing online/\r\nface-to-face Faculty development Programmes (FDP)\r\nduring the last five years.\r\n\r\n
6.3.2\r\nQnM\r\nAverage percentage of teachers provided with financial\r\nsupport to attend conferences /workshops and towards\r\nmembership fee of professional bodies\r\n
6.3.2\r\nQnM\r\nAverage percentage of teachers provided with financial\r\nsupport to attend conferences /workshops and towards membership fee of professional bodies
6.4 Financial Management and Resource Mobilization
6.4.2\r\nQnM\r\nFunds / Grants received from non-government bodies,\r\nindividuals, philanthropes during the last five years\r\n(not covered in Criterion III)
6.5.2\r\nQ1M\r\nThe institution reviews its teaching learning process,\r\nstructures & methodologies of operations and learning\r\noutcomes at periodic intervals through IQAC set up as per\r\nnorms and recorded the incremental improvement in\r\nvarious activities.